Sunday, March 18, 2012

Arrived in Mesa, AZ

Up early; ready to leave the desert! Decided not to tow the car this morning, so I followed Dave onto I-10. Dave had 'Co-Pilot' map his way on his iPad; Google maps was my direction-of-choice. Did pretty good until we got into Phoenix. Dave crossed 3 lanes of traffic to make a last-minute change (Thank-You St. Christopher!), while I was still on I-!0, eyes wide-open, grabbing my phone for some explanation!

Decided to 'trust' my iPhone & mapped directions; and, as Dave eventually called to find out where I was (just pulling into the RV Park, Thank-You), he was 20 some blocks away!

Settled into our RV space, just in time, as the rain (correction - hail) started falling!

Now trusty iPhone, lead me to Starbucks!

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