Friday, April 6, 2012

Another Week In Mesa Arizona

Well, we've spent another week here in Mesa. We're at a different park, as of last Sunday. We'll be here at Carefree Manor RV Park until the 16th of the month. On the 16th when we leave, we need to take to rig to the local Ford dealer for service, and addressing a recall notice for resolving an issue with the steering column indicator.  The service should only take about half the day hopefully; then not sure if we'll remain in this area, or start heading north to the Cotttonwood area.
Lots of people from the Pacific Northwest in this park; none of them are ready to head back to the rain & gloom back home!

Lake Saguaro Cruise

One afternoon (can't remember which one?), we drove up to Lake Saguaro, which was about 30 miles northeast of Apache Junction.  We took a boat cruise on the lake; 90 minutes long (60 minutes minus the captain's 'jokes' would have sufficed!). His jokes were even worse than BHO's; (You know the guy in the White House). Nonetheless, it was a a pleasant cruise. Plan ahead tho', as they do get busy! Had a nice lunch overlooking the lake.  The trip up was a great opportunity to see hundreds of Saguaro Cacti. They're a protected species and can live 250 years. They grow about 1" a year.

Lake Saguaro
Saguaro Cacti Everywhere!

Organ Stop Pizza

On Monday night we ventured out to a pizza house called Organ Stop Pizza. Sally's cousins had told us about it and to get there early! They were right about the arrive there early.  It was the most interesting pizza place we've ever encountered. I think there are a couple more of these pizza places around the country. They claim to have the worlds largest Wurlitzer organ. But it doesn't stop will just the organ itself. The eating area is two levels high; and rooms above full of organ pipes and other instruments. You can do requests from the organist, who was exceptionally talented. Just seems to help the pizza taste even a little better! It was a good time; but if you're in the area, arrive early!

A Regular Liberace

Take Us Out to the Ball Game

On Tuesday night we attended a pre-season baseball game at the Diamondbacks 'real' home - Chase Stadium - in Phoenix. It wasn't too crowded; we had really good seats; really enjoyed the venue! The game was between the Milwaukee Brewers & the Arizona Diamondbacks; it was a night game.  Really a nice new stadium, with retractable roof. The D'backs weren't fairing too well; behind 2 runs by the 'take me out to the ballgame' breather. Sally and I decided they probably didn't stand a chance of winning and left to go home.  But, noooooo, by the time we got home, the D'backs found some pitching (& hitters), and won the game 5-3! (by-the-way, the D'backs won their home-opener today, over the SF Giants - Woo-hoo!).

Lake Roosevelt

We did make another attempt in visiting Lake Roosevelt on Wednesday. Driving through some pretty mountains up to Globe, AZ, we finally found the lake (& dam). As dams go, it was just 'ok'. To get a good picture, we had to stick our camera through the gated fence in order to even get a picture!

I think this lake was named after Teddy; not Frank - Damn Bully Lake!

Damn Bully Dam!
Mall travel:

Yes, I ventured out on the freeways again today...decided to check-out 'Fashion Square' in Scottsdale. Not exactly the easiest place to drive to, but, all roads do eventually lead to a mall :) Lots of stores; lots of Easter shoppers; lots of (really nice!) purses ($$$); and some much-needed therapy @ the cosmetic

Refridge Doors

While Sally was off ensuring the local Mall economy remains viable; I was finishing up changing the front door panels on our refrigerator. The doors were black plastic, that were next to impossible to keep clean and looking nice. I had finally had it, and decided that a trip to Home Depot to purchase some Luan panels would solve my frustration. I cut, stained, and finished the two doors yesterday. This morning was time to tackle the installation. As I started to remove the lower door hinge; I noticed the hinge plate had a screw coming in from the side. The side that I didn't have access too! So then I had to figure out how to get the fridge out of the cabinet by at least an inch to remove the screws for each of the two hinges. After I finally got the screws out, the door just fell off! Literally! A few swear words; and little assistance from the bride; I was able to install the first panel.  Got it all back together and put a washer on the wrong hinge pin! So take out all the screws that hold the fridge into the cabinet to be able to put it out again; that was the second time the door fell off! By this time, the bride was shaking her head repeatedly! Probably a good time for the boss to go shopping!

See; aren't the black ones crappy looking?

Finished Product!
Well, now you know why we've been tardy to the blog party! As you can tell, we're keeping pretty busy doing the retirement thing, and being love birds of course! I'm also in the process of developing a web page; this blog will be tied to it eventually. The web page will allow us to create some photo and video albums, and other enhancements. I'm using a new web page development tool, so it's taking me a little time to get up to speed!

As always, we enjoy your support and any comments. We love to get comments!

Dave & Sally

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