Monday, August 13, 2012

Long Hot Summer!

Well, again, it's been awhile since I put my feeble head towards updating the blog! We're still in Arkansas, visiting with my folks. We've had to endure some of the hottest weather since I was in Dugway Utah, testing in the desert in 2005. The central US has had several weeks of 100+ days, with little or no rain; Harmon being one of those areas. The good thing was the humidity usually being below 30%. But there were several days of 106 degrees plus that we experienced. Not to mention all of the critters; grasshoppers, walking sticks! Everywhere! But, Gunner does consider them quite a tasty treat...! Scorpions not-so-much, tho'...!

I've never seen a 6" Walking Stick before today!

While being here, we again had the pleasure of seeing my older brother Mike, with his wife Polly. They came down from Marshalltown, Iowa, for a few days visit.  This coming Friday our daughter Courtney, and granddaughter Melody, will be flying into Arkansas for a visit. This is the first time my parents will have seen Melody since her birth. I'm sure she will charm them as she does her Grandma & Grandpa (although I understand she's very anxious to meet Gunner!).  Much of the time I've helped my folks with cleaning out their garage, transporting items (with Mike's help & truck) to be recycled, fixing little things here and there, working on (many!) little projects with the RV, waiting for the Great Escapes RV dealer to get the parts in to replace my shower stall base. That's suppose to finally happen this coming Wednesday! Then there's dental appts., eye appts., etc., etc. Oh, and Sal did find a coffee house in Harrison! Not quite Starbucks, but she's been there enough that she doesn't even need to order, they already know what she wants!

This last Saturday, Sally and I took a Conceal Carry class in Mountain Home. Interesting to find out the differences & requirements for Arkansas vs Missouri (as we had to 2 gals from Missouri taking the class as well). Hopefully that will provide a little legal protection across the various states as we travel. Sally did a great job with the range firing (lots of practice with the BB guns!), and we both qualified.  Today we went to the Sheriffs office to be fingerprinted and mailed in our applications.

Gunner! Can't forget talking about Gunner! He's about doubled his size, in the two months that we've had him.  He absolutely loves my mother, and just goes nuts when she enters the room.

I adore you Grandma!

About three weeks ago he suddenly started getting more black and brown spots in the previous solid white area of his coat. We thought, if it continued, he was going to look like a Dalmatian! He's visited the Vet. here in Harrison, had his required shots, so he is officially ready-to-travel!