Sunday, July 15, 2012

It's Been Awhile!

I didn't realize how the time has flown? You see, when you're retired you go to bed at 7:00 PM, and you get up at about 9:00 AM. So the days seem shorter and the time goes by faster without you realizing it!  I'm sure this isn't my fault; therefore it must be Sally's fault that I didn't post in awhile.  We have been pretty busy since the last post however!

I guess we left off on the last post with traveling to Elkhart Indiana.  Once we go the repairs completed, we traveled 8 hours (toll roads & road work not-withstanding), & headed back to Des Moines for about two weeks. We were awaiting the arrival of our new 'son'. On the 23rd of June, we became proud parents of "Gunner".  Gunner is a 5 Lb. baby boy with brown eyes; white and black hair, and long floppy ears. Another Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, just like Aussie and Reagan. We got him from a breeder in St. Charles, Iowa about 30 miles south of Des Moines. I had been planning this prior to going to Des Moines, but hadn't said a word to Sally, because I knew she was still mourning the loss of Reagan. I knew that once I showed her a picture; she wouldn't be able to resist. I can read Sally like book! I always tell her, I know her like the back of my hand; and I do!

Little Gunner!

Now, I know you're assuming that I named him Gunner? Not true; Sally named him; I wanted to call him "Duke" after John Wayne. Sally said that named sucked; and thought Gunner would be better! I couldn't argue with her on this one! So, Gunner became part of our traveling family. He's a typical puppy; always chewing, sniffing; you have to keep your eye on him every minute.  He seems to be adjusting to traveling life quite well; sleeps in his kennel behind Sally's seat as we tool down the highway.  

While in Des Moines, we stayed at two different campgrounds. We spent a week at Cutty's, where we had stayed while waiting to head for Elkhart, and a week at a new place called Griff's. Very nice campground, north of Des Moines between Ankeny and Altoona. We got to spend more time with Sally's girlfriend, Gerri Mason and her family (always good to visit with Gerri!). Oh, and Sally found an Aveda Salon in Ankeny, so she was very, very happy :)

Then we traveled back to Council Bluffs, Iowa, where Sally grew up. The temperature reached above the Century mark by the time we got there! Once we set-up,  Sally wouldn't leave the RV (& air-conditioning!), the rest of the day! We stayed at a RV park close to Lake Manawa, called 'Tomes'. Not the prettiest park, but it's general location was good for us. Sally's cousin, Janet, came by on Friday morning. After oohing! & aching! (& gasping!) at some old pictures, we picked-up some cheeseburgers  and headed to the nursing home to have lunch with Aunt Doris. Saturday Jeff so kindly took his sister to the Old Market in Omaha. What a nice brother! Sunday was a busy, busy day! Met up with Sally's Brother & Sister-in-law, Glen & Carol, and with Sally's niece, Angie, and her husband & kids, at a restaurant called 'Cheddars' in west Omaha (highly recommended !).  Jeff, as usual, was our tour guide for Omaha! Thanks Uncle Jeff! Angie & Elliott and Trevor & Emma just got back from their fishing trip in Northern Minnesota. And if we didn't have enough to eat for lunch, Sally's cousin Alice, had arranged a 'Meet 'n Greet' on the farm, near Treynor, Iowa, at 3:30pm that afternoon. LOTS of good good food, conversation, & reminiscing ! Alice & Kevin, Rita & Ron, Aunt Elaine, Glen, Carol & Jeff, Jim & Janet, Aunt Deloris, Gary & Sandy, Don & Patsy, Bruce & Ruby. Thanks so much to Alice (& Jeff) for all their hard work, cleaning, setting-up, baking, (did I mention lots of good food?!). We did miss seeing the (Arizona) Glen & Carol, though I'm sure they were enjoying their time in Apache Junction! Hope to see you guys this fall! Sally's nephew, Craig, and his wife, Mary, invited us over to their new home for a BBQ on Monday evening. The (4) girls are sure growing up! (& busy). Grandma & Grandpa Fahrenkrug & Uncle Jeff were also there. Tues evening was 'Taco Tuesday' at the Pizza King with Jeff, Rita & Ron and their good friends. The 4th of July was also HOT!!! But Shari & Jason so graciously invited us to join their family out-on-the-acreage'! Even Gunner made a new friend; Thanks Sammy for being so gentle with the little guy! Aunt Doris was able to come out & join the fun as well! Thursday night was a quiet supper with Glen & Carol, Sal's older brother, before taking off on Friday morning for Central Iowa.

Gunner & Sammy

It was a (another!) HOT travel day back to Central Iowa! Instead of looking for a 'first-come, first serve' RV spot in Marshalltown, IA, we found a KOA camp just off I-80, near Newton, IA (and the Iowa Speedway). No, there were no races going on while we were there. Didn't need them, though, as the constant sound of semis & air brakes provided plenty of noise! We wanted to be in/ or near, Marshalltown, as we were waiting for my older brother Michael to arrive. Marshalltown, Iowa, is just north of Newton. My bother Mike is the dearest, most supportive brother a guy could have.  He, and his lovely wife, Polly live in Pinehurst, North Carolina. They just recently purchased a second (summer) home in Marshalltown.  Polly retired (for the 2nd time - first from 20+ years in the Navy; now from her nursing career), on the 6th of July. They drove from Pinehurst, arriving in Marshalltown on the July 9th.  Sally and I haven't seen Polly since they lived in Michigan, about 5 or 6 years ago. The house they purchased, is a cute craftsman-style cottage, just about 10 blocks west of the the downtown area. 

They have two dogs (Gracie & Abbie - the 'alpha' dog!), and a fenced backyard, so Gunner has loved running free, and playing with the big dogs! 

Gunner & Gracie

We moved from the KOA to the Shady Oaks Campground in Marshalltown on Wednesday to be closer to Mike & Polly's. Nice little campground that dates back to the 1850's. One of the first campgrounds in Iowa, and helped create the building of the Lincoln Highway. 

So far, we've had a great time together;  played golf twice, did some repair projects, and spent time catching up.  Polly & Sally drove over to Iowa City on Friday, (Oh, and stopped at the outlet mall in Williamsburg, IA, on the way); picked-up Kyle, and brought him home for the weekend. Mike's son Kyle is attending the University of Iowa working on his PhD in Pharmacology. Again, we hadn't seen Kyle since Michigan also. We had a get together at our rig yesterday with Jeff, Mike, Polly, Kyle, Gerri, and Gerri's sister Donna. I made Maid-Rite's and of course, the rain started just as everyone got seated to eat!

Next week, we're planning to head down to my folks in Arkansas; spend some time with them, helping them taking care/ maintaining their two acres. We'll probably stay until late August; then head west to Arizona, with a visit to Courtney's for Melli's birthday.

The Rig - Well, since leaving Elkhart, we've had a few more little problems crop up here and there. Sally's brother Jeff has spent a couple of nights with us and found that the air mattress for the sofa bed  has a couple of pinhole leaks. A new replacement has been sent to my folks. Then the motor for the exhaust fan in the bathroom has gone out; a replacement is being sent to my folks. This weekend, Jeff went to step in the shower, and the shower based cracked. Haven't reported that one yet. And of course, our warranty expired Friday night theoretically; or maybe I should say legally!

The place where Jeff stepped has no support underneath, because it was notched to allow installation of the base for the drain pipe. We're going to see if the cover it under warranty?

Well, that's all folks! We'll try to keep the posts coming sooner! Thanks for following us!

Dave & Sally